Date of Death:  January 2, 2021

Graveside funeral will be held on Monday, January 4, 2021 at noon at the Grand Order of Israel 1 Cemetery, 1250 Snake Road, Burlington.

Ethel Levy (nee Kessler) passed away on Jan 2 at Shalom Village of complications from COVID-19. She was 95, having just reached that milestone Dec 14th or 15th, depending on whom you asked. She was affable, loved to laugh and a pretty good cook in her day. In no particular order she loved bingo, ice cream, Family Feud, card games, her children Helaine, Arlyn & Gary (most of the time), her grandchildren Zachary and Noah (all of the time), her kindred dogs Lucy, Charlie, Zeus, Mulder (some of the time), food that wasn’t too cold, too salty, too mushy or too slow in coming. She enjoyed long aimless drives in the country, a habit she got into with our late father, Syd. She had a lot of friends, all of whom she outlived, which made her later years lonelier. She wasn’t very tech savvy, to which we, who received the late-night phone calls about her cable TV going off-line can attest. But how many 95-year-olds are.  Some things you just overlook. She will be missed, thought about often, laughed over, cried over and always, when the subject is chicken soup, the gold standard. We wish her a peaceful and loving journey.


Please note:  In an effort to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus, graveside services will be limited to a maximum of 10 persons (including Clergy) for the safety of mourners, funeral home and cemetery staff.  Social distancing 2m (6′) is required unless you are of the same household.  For those that wish to participate in the mitzvah of Kevura, gloves must be worn.  Names and phone numbers will be requested.  Thank you for your cooperation.