Date of death: January 7, 2023
Graveside service will be on Sunday January 8 , 2023 at 2:00pm at Grand Order of Israel Cemetery 1250 Snake Road, Burlington.
Please note: At graveside, masks are encouraged and social distancing (6′) unless you are of the same household. For those that wish to participate in the mitzvah of Kevura, gloves must be worn.
Thank you for your cooperation
Thank you for your cooperation
The family will observe a private Shiva
To the family of Ida Shuman. I remember Ida of Blessed Memory when I was growing up in Hamilton all those years ago. She was a very nice lady. May her family take solace in her memory. Hamakom Yenachem Etchem Betoch Shaar Avalei Tzion ve Yerushalyim.